Put the “OH” back in your life this Valentine’s Day!

Put the “OH” back in your life this Valentine’s Day!

The O-Shot is a wonderful treatment to help regain your confidence and enhance your sexual health. 



The O-Shot is a non-surgical office treatment to enhance your sexual function.  Platelet rich plasma (PRP) containing your body’s own growth factors and stem cells is harvested after a simple blood draw.  After a topical local anesthetic, the PRP is applied by 2 simple, quick injections, one is vaginal, and the other external, near the clitoris.  Know that there is no concern for pain, as the areas are thoroughly numbed using a local anesthetic cream. Most patients feel little or no discomfort.  As the growth factors begin to activate tissue regeneration there is an enhancement in sexual response and function almost immediately.


PRP is a portion of your blood that contains healing elements, stem cells, and growth factors. To create PRP, your own blood is drawn and the platelets and growth factors are separated with a special, FDA approved centrifuge, creating a highly concentrated preparation of your own body’s healing elements.


Once the platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is injected into key areas, the regenerative cells begin to rejuvenate the tissue. The result is:

  • Increased sensitivity
  • Increased lubrication
  • Increased sexual desire
  • Decreased urinary leakage
  • Tighter vagina
  • Increased lubrication
  • Overall improved sexual satisfaction
  • Vaginal Rejuvenation
  • Increased sexual pleasure
The O-Shot can help women suffering from:
  • Low desire and/or libido
  • Difficulty reaching orgasm
  • Difficulty becoming aroused
  • Painful sex
  • Stress Urinary Incontinence
  • Sexual disorder
  • Arousal disorder


The O-Shot is one of the few treatments available for female sexual dysfunction and is one that is backed by plenty of scientific research.  It can help women of any background overcome their sexual issues and strengthen their relationships. Treatment for sexual dysfunction is no longer just a “man’s world”, with The O-Shot, women can find relief too!


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