Aesthetic Maintenance: The Key to Healthy Skin

Aesthetic Maintenance: The Key to Healthy Skin 

Everyone likes to feel good about themselves and improving our skin health and appearance can be a big self-confidence booster. Medical aesthetic and laser or light-based treatments are great alternatives to surgical procedures and offer many benefits for those looking to restore or maintain a more youthful appearance. 

Whether you would like to address brown spots, fine lines, deep wrinkles, feminine health, rosacea, unwanted hair, skin laxity or uneven skin tone, it is important to understand that several treatments may be needed to reach your skin care goals. 

Like exercising our bodies to keep in shape, we need to “exercise” our skin to maintain the results we achieve with our aesthetic treatments. 

Device based procedures like CO2 fractional laser, Exilis radio frequency skin tightening, and IPL (intense pulsed light) treat a variety of skin concerns. Laser treatments disrupt or damage the skin’s layers in a safe and controlled manner to facilitate specific healing processes that eliminate imperfections.  For most people, one session will not provide full results. We recommend a series of treatments, spaced 2-6 weeks apart depending on the procedure. Once a desired result is achieved, it is very important to maintain. Recommended maintenance for our device-based procedures is 9-12 months. 

Injectable services such as Botox and dermal fillers also require maintenance. Everybody is different, however, to keep your smooth youthful look, Botox should be repeated every 3-4 months and dermal fillers every 9-24 months. 

Laser hair removal is not as predictable when it comes to maintenance, however those individuals that tend to be more predisposed to hair growth due to hormonal changes, genetic background etc. should come in for a maintenance treatment every 6-12 months to remain hair free! 

Feminine rejuvenation/ O shot treatments address a variety of feminine health issues such as stress urinary incontinence, laxity, dryness, painful intercourse, satisfaction, libido, and overall vaginal health. Once a desired result is reached, usually after a series of 3 treatments, many women feel best maintaining once every 9-12 months.  

Depending on the condition of your skin and your specific concerns, our aesthetic professionals will help determine the best treatment protocol for you. Taking care of your skin and enhancing your natural beauty is what we love to do! 

Call to schedule your next aesthetic service 720-583-1826

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