Invest in Healthy Skin

 Invest in Healthy Skin 

Healthy skin is beautiful skin! Your skin is in fact your largest organ and is also a great representation of YOU. How you feel about yourself is priceless, and that’s why it is so important to invest in beautiful healthy skin! 

Even if genetics are on your side, time catches up with every single one of us. Collagen and elastin begin to breakdown and imperfections start to pop up. One thing is for certain, your skin is going to continue to age, however, how important you make your skin health will determine how your skin looks and behaves now, as well as years down the road. It is never too late to start taking care of your skin! 

It can seem daunting when trying to decide on the right steps to take when it comes to esthetic treatments and procedures. Where do you even start? Investing time and money is a big decision, that is why it is so important to consult with a licensed skin care professional. At Essence Laser, we are dedicated to helping you find the right protocol to address your specific concerns. 

Each individual has different skin care goals, that is why we offer a wide variety of esthetic treatments, including cosmetic injectables, CO2 fractional laser resurfacing, IPL (intense pulsed light), Exilis skin tightening, medical facials, chemicals peels, Coolsculpting and feminine rejuvenation. We love to create individualized plans and regimens specifically for you! 

Please contact us to schedule a complimentary consult with Dr. Melinda O’Rourke, our master injector, or a complimentary consult with a medical esthetician. 

“I regret taking such good care of my skin- said no one ever!” 

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