4th in a series of 5 blogs on Dry Eye Treatments

IPL (Intense pulsed light) is a proven therapy for dry eyes, and Essence Laser has been using this modality for over 10 years. Recently, the addition of RF (Radiofrequency) for dry eye treatment has been discussed in the literature. Essence Laser has also used RF for many years for cosmetic purposes to improve skin quality.
IPL improves Dry Eyes by delivering heat through a light based therapy to the meibomian glands to decrease evaporation of the tears, and by coagulating the tiny blood vessels on the lid margin (telangiectasias) that release inflammatory components. RF improves Dry Eyes also by delivering heat by electrical current. But it has no effect on the telangiectasias as IPL does.
Clearly, they are both effective treatments, but IPL alone is more effective for dry eyes than RF alone due to the coagulation of the telangiectasias with IPL.
The question is: Does RF add anything to the IPL treatment that IPL doesn’t provide alone? That is, does more heat from the RF add any benefit to the heat already provided by the IPL? There have been no good scientific studies to support that RF + IPL is better than IPL alone.
However, if a patient is not a candidate for IPL, RF may be an excellent option as in the following cases:
- IPL cannot be performed on darker skin types due to increased heat absorbed
by pigment. - IPL cannot be done in patients needing to be on Tetracyclines due to increased
sensitivity to light.
Keep in mind that there are also contraindications to using RF: - Patients with any metal implants from the chest up.
- Patients with a pacemaker or defibrillator.
The combination of IPL and RF may be the treatment of choice if the patient desires treatment for dry eyes and a cosmetic improvement in skin quality as well. Whether the combination of the 2 is an added benefit for dry eyes is yet to be proven, but it certainly can do no harm.
At Essence Laser & Wellness we have years of experience using monopolar radiofrequency, as well as IPL, around the eyes. Our advanced RF technology with the BTL Exilis Device is a monopolar unit that blends Ultrasound with the Radiofrequency for a deeper delivery to the tissue, which may enhance the delivery of heat to the Meibomian Glands for Dry Eyes.
Essence Laser & Wellness, under the supervision of Melinda C ORourke, MD, is a referral center for specialty Dry Eye Therapy, and a Medical Aesthetics Practice, and is not a routine Ophthalmology practice. We ask that you provide a copy of a recent eye exam prior to treatment when seeking IPL for Dry Eye, and/or the PReye™ shot. No exam is necessary for RF, PReye™ drops or PRP for Aesthetic purposes.
Ask us about our IPL/PReye™/RF bundling packages.
Melinda C. ORourke, MD
Essence Laser & Wellness, PC
[email protected]