Feminine/Sexual Health Questionnaire

This feminine rejuvenation questionnaire will help gauge the severity of your symptoms regarding commonly found issues in women suffering from urinary incontinence and sexual dysfunction.

This procedure is a great option for women who desire non-surgical improvement of their intimate area’s health.

Target Patients:

Women after Childbirth

Peri-and Post-Menopausal Women

Women seeking an improvement in dryness, itching, painful intercourse

Stress Urinary Incontinence (leakage after sneezing, coughing, or laughing)

Vulvo-vaginal laxity after childbirth and with aging, resulting in dissatisfaction with sexual activity and vulvar aesthetic appearance.

Vulvo-Vaginal Atrophy with aging, resulting in dryness, itching, and sexual dysfunction.

The combination of the Ultra Femme 360 Radio Frequency devise and the O-shot using your own PRP (platelet rich plasma) will result in:

Increased sensitivity

Increased lubrication

Increased sexual desire

Decreased urinary leakage

Tighter vagina

Increased lubrication

Overall improved sexual satisfaction

Vaginal Rejuvenation

Increased sexual pleasure

Low desire and/or libido

Difficulty reaching orgasm

Difficulty becoming aroused

Painful sex

Stress Urinary Incontinence

Sexual disorder

Arousal disorder

 All treatments are performed by, Obstetrician-Gynecologist Kimberlee Barnes, MD.

To find out more:

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